This is a limited demo of the new game "Blood Bath". The actual game has over 20 levels, a large variety of foes, many more hidden items, and progressively challenging game play. "Blood Bath" is available by direct order ONLY for just $39.95.
Demo Instructions:
Use the mouse button to fire.
Fire at the bottom of the screen to reload.
Use the number keys to select a weapon (there are 3 in the demo. The 2nd and 3rd have a limited amount of ammo, but you can find power-up clips by shooting certain areas on the screen.)
"Blood Bath" Press Release
Los Angeles, California -- January 16th, 1995 -- UnderWorld announces "Blood Bath", a new action game on Macintosh CD-ROM and floppy disk.
You're a cop in a small California city. Not much action. It's nice work, even if it does get a little sleepy. But wake up. Today's a new day. What do you want first--the good news or the bad news? An attempted take-over of a maximum security prison transfer has failed. That's the good news. The bad news is the breakout failed on your beat. Now hard core cons are running rampant through the streets. It's your job to hunt these bastards down. Grab a gun--it's time to clean up the streets.
"Blood Bath" is a shoot-em-up with an attitude. The video quality and playability of this game surpass even the best arcade and home games of this type. Your PC and home game machine friends will drool in envy when they see it. "Blood Bath" makes a corpse of the competition.
Details... Details... When you shoot a foe he dies instantly NOT when the video catches up to your shot. Shoot a guy in the head and he dies of a head wound. You want weapons, we got 'em: Handguns, Uzis, shotguns, M16's, and more. Hidden levels and items. We lost count. Cheat codes and hidden items are half the fun! Doesn't the competition know this? Best of all, each game of "Blood Bath" is unique. You want simple patterns, buy some wall paper. This game is tough.
To sum it up: THIS GAME KICKS ASS!!!!!!
"Blood Bath" runs on CD-ROM or floppy disk. If you have a CD-ROM drive buy the CD version. It has more video, levels, and special items. The floppy version still has over 20 megs of digitized video and sound and requires a hard drive with 10-20 megs of free space.
"Blood Bath" performs well on any color Mac!!! (even '020's) You DON'T need an '040 or a PowerPC to run it.
"Blood Bath" features TruMotion(TM), a groundbreaking new video compression technology bringing fast, fluid, full-screen video to the Mac. With this breakthrough technology, "Blood Bath" combines true interactive game play with the most realistic digitized video ever seen. Forget virtual: this is real!
"The problem with interactive games so far," says UnderWorld's Mark Thompson, "has been the sacrifice of good game-play for realistic graphics or the sacrifice of good graphics for great game-play." By combining a Hollywood production crew and veteran game developers, UnderWorld makes no sacrifices. In "Blood Bath" the game-play and graphics are so real, you'll shiver. Don't worry. We've included an option to tone down the violence for the squeamish among you.
"Blood Bath" is available by DIRECT ORDER ONLY for just $39.95. To order just fill out the order form below. Send the completed form with payment (credit card, check or money order) by email, US mail or FAX. "Blood Bath" will ship in February of '95.